Tuesday 28 August 2012

Micronutrients May Enhance Sperm Ejaculation DNA Quality

USA: If you are 44 decades of age or above and you experience your ejaculate DNA are getting broken more quickly, then do not worry, scientists have found a solution for you. Eat more fresh healthier micronutrients like supplement C, E, folic acid b supplement and zinc oxide. It would definitely boost the excellent of your ejaculate DNA and will cause you to experience better.

At the same time, this study led by scientists from the US Division of Energy's Lawrence Berkeley Nationwide Clinical also exposed that in case of youthful men, it is not necessary to improve your consumption of micronutrients for helping the ejaculate DNA. It will not work.

For making this research, a group of around 80 healthier male volunteers between the age of 22 and 80 decades was analyzed. And a result, it was found that men mature than 44 and taking highest possible quantity of supplement C, E, zinc oxide and folic acid b supplement were at a lower risk of ejaculate DNA harm than those mature men who absorbed the least quantity.

As said by Andrew Wyrobek of Berkeley Lab's Life Sciences Division, “We found that men 44 and mature who absorbed at least the suggested nutritional permitting of certain micronutrients had ejaculate with a similar quantity of DNA harm as the ejaculate of youthful men".

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