Monday, 13 August 2012

Olympic shot-put successful is removed of gold

LONDON: The First medallist of the London, uk Olympic games has been removed of their award just time after the ending wedding.
Belorussian taken club Nadzeya Ostapchuk was compelled to side over her top to New Zealander Valerie Adams after blitzing the competitors but then unable a medication analyze.

The Worldwide Olympic Panel announced last night day that anabolic broker metenolone was recognized in a example Ostapchuk, a 31-year-old three-time Olympian, offered on Aug 5.
Adams' marketing took New Zealand's gold honor depend to six, just one behind Modern australia, and made her a back-to-back Olympic successful.
Russian Evgeniia Kolodko is now the gold medallist and China's Lijiao Gong has been granted an surprising bronze
Ostapchuk completed 4th in the taken put in Athens in 2004 and was the brown medallist in China in 2008. In London, uk she taken over the area, tossing 21.36 meters in comparison to next best Adams who used 20.70 meters. It was once in almost two years that Ostapchuk had defeated Adams.
"I am without words with this information," Adams said in a declaration. "It is taking me a while to take this in.
"It is also motivating for those sportsmen like myself, who are extremely pleased to contend easily, that the system performs and doping tips are captured."
During the 16 days competitors in London, uk only one other sportsman, US judoka Chip Delpopo, came back a good medication analyze after competitive.
Traces of weed were discovered in his pee example - Delpopo stated "inadvertent consumption" of food cooked with the medication - and he was disqualified from the 73-kilogram category after completing 7th.
There were seven other situations from the interval when doping manages started in London, uk, on September 16, before the Games.
Before the ending wedding IOC chief executive Jacques Rogge had announced the unmatched level of medication examining in London, uk a achievements, though he cautioned that some infringements could appear in the consequences of the Games. It was time before one appeared.
In a history anti-doping attempt almost 6000 pee and liquid system examples were taken around the London, uk Games and will proceed during the Paralympics.
Samples gathered during the 2012  Games will be saved and can be re-analysed - and induce honor reallocations - until Aug 2020. The IOC has prediction an certain declaration about outcomes with regards to  several re-tested examples from the 2004 Athens Games.

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